Variables, Data Types, Indices, and Slices#

Assigning variables and using print() to check how the code is working#

To save a value, we assign them to a variable for later use. The syntax for assigning variables is: variable_name = variable_value.

Use print(variable_name) to print the specified variable.


  • Choose informative names for variables.

  • Use comment lines to express the units of the variable or to describe the meaning of the variable.

  • Common operators are + for addition, - for substraction, * for multiplication, / for division, and ** for power operations.

Let’s see this in action with calculations using variables.

Exercise 1

How many grams of solid NaOH (40.0 g/mol) are required to prepare 500 ml of a 0.04 M solution?

Exercise 2

An enzyme has a \(V_{max}\) of 1.2 \(\mu\)\(M s^{-1}\) and a \(K_m\) of 10 \(\mu\)\(M\). What is the initial velocity (in \(\mu\)\(M s^{-1}\)) for an 8 \(\mu\)\(M\) substrate concentration?

Exercise 3

Convert the initial velocity in \(\mu\)\(M s^{-1}\) from the previous exercise to \(\mu\)\(M min^{-1}\).

Data types, using len() to return the number of items in a sequence, and using .count() to count how many times an item appears in a sequence#

In Python, the data type is set when we assign a value to a variable. Different data types can do different things.

The most common data types are

  • strings (“str”) for text (surrounded by either single quotation marks or double quotation marks),

  • integers (“int”) for whole numbers, positive or negative, without decimals, of unlimited length,

  • floating point numbers (“float”) for numbers, positive or negative, containing one or more decimals,

  • lists (“list”) for multiple ordered and changeable items of different data types within one variable (created using square brackets ([])),

  • tuples (“tuple”) for multiple ordered and unchangeable items of different data types within one variable (created using round brackets (())),

  • dictionaries (“dict”) for storing a collection of ordered, changeable, and non-duplicate data as “key : value” pairs (created using curly brackets ({}); pairs are separated using commas, and keys and values are separated using colons)

Use type(variable_name) to identify the data type of any variable.

Use len(variable_name) to determine the length of a sequence (e.g. a string, list, or tuple).

Use sequence_name.count(value) to count the number of items with a specified value within a sequence.

Use dictionary_name.get(key_name) to return the value of a specified key in a dictionary. If the key is not found, it returns None.

Let’s see this in action with DNA, RNA, and protein sequences as strings and lists with substrate concentrations and amino acids.

Exercise 4

Determine the data type, length, and number of tryptophan residues for this LRRK2 protein sequence containing one letter code amino acids.


Exercise 5

Define the EcoRI DNA recognition sequence (GAATTC) as a string.

Exercise 6

Determine the data type and length for this list with substrate concentrations.

subconc = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 125, 250, 500]

Exercise 7

Determine the data type, length, and number of alanine residues for this list with amino acids.

AA3Letter = ["ALA", "ARG", "ASN", "ASP", "CYS", "GLN", "GLU", "GLY", "HIS", "ILE", "LEU", "LYS", "MET", "PHE", "PRO", "SER", "THR", "TRP", "TYR", "VAL"]

Exercise 8

Determine the number of “key : value” pairs in the following dictionary of restriction enzymes, with key = name and value = cleavage site. Retrieve the cleavage site for TaqI.

REs = {
    'EcoRI' : 'GAATTC',
    'BamHI' : 'GGATCC',
    'EarI' : 'CTCTTC',
    'ScaI' : 'AGTACT',
    'NotI' : 'GCGGCCGC',
    'TaqI' : 'TCGA',
    'FokI' : 'GGATG',
    'HindIII' : 'AAGCTT'
}   #Create a dictionary with restriction enzyme names (keys) and cleavage sites (values). Both are strings.

Index and slice#

Sequence-based data types (e.g. a string, list, or tuple) are indexed, with the first item having index “0”. To select the first item, use sequence_name[0]; to select the second item, use sequence_name[1]

If we have a long sequence and want to select an item towards the end, we can count backwards, starting at the index number “-1”.

The syntax for selecting a subset of an existing sequence, a slice, is: sequence_name[start:end]. When we specify the end item for the slice, it goes up to but does not include that item of the list!

Use sequence_name[:end] to have the slice starting from the beginning of the sequence.

Use sequence_name[start:] to have the slice going to the end of the sequence.

Indexing and slicing of sequences

Let’s see this in action with DNA, RNA, and protein sequences as strings.

Exercise 9

Select the signal peptide (residues 1 to 22: MVSTMLSGLVLWLTFGWTPALA) and serine residues that are phosphorylated (S136 and S200) of this 7B2 protein sequence containing one letter code amino acids.